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Let the grafting begin!

We have had some amazing people offer to come and help. A team from ISS came down for two days to cut back the hedges, and cut down trees. They then brought 8 volunteers down and started to clear the inside. They filled the first skip in an hour!

We then had a guy from Webs Building Merchants get us some excellent discounts on wood to board up the windows. He and more volunteers then came down at 8:00am on a Sunday morning and we boarded all 25 windows up with just battery drills!

In the background we have been sorting the hygiene certificates out, sourcing a generator, coffee machines and everything necessary for our mobile coffee shop!

The most inspiring thing is that to date, we have had support of over 120 hours from 20 incredible volunteers!

So a huge thank you and a HUGE round of applause is definitely required!

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